LIGHT DIFFUSER MASTERBATCH IN JAIPUR It creates a hazy effect on the bulb enclosure to improve front face brightness and brightness range. It's used to control the intensity of light coming from the LED. It makes the distribution of light more even & makes the shadow that can't see the reflection spot or light source point from front. It is used in LED Bulbs, Head Lamps, Electrical Lights. #light #diffuser #lightdiffuser #lightdiffusermasterbatchesinjaipur #masterbatchesinjaipur #bestmasterbatchesmanufactureinIndia #WhiteMasterbatchesmanufactureinindia #masterbatchesmanufactureinjaipur #BestMasterbatchesManufacturerinIndia #plasticdanamanufacturerinjaipur #masterbatches
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